This style of intercourse is a fantastic method of enjoying penetration for both lovers because it allows them to concentrate on the flesh to flesh contact. My wife has stated many times that a certain lover insists on fucking her in this manner so that his semen can be discharged in the depths of her womb with great ease. She claims that when he is finished cumming in her pussy that he remains embedded for a considerable amount of time to allow his "seed" to infiltrate every crevice in her vagina. She believes that he is trying to breed her so she just smiles and tells him "make me a mommy". That makes him perform at his peak when they have sex.
My wife has been sporked so many times that she lost count because she enjoys that style of intercourse when a lover wants a lengthy session of intercourse. The position allows them to rest and continue fucking for hours and also to delay their climaxes until they had enjoyed enough penetration. It also allows my wife to “play” with her clitoris and elevate her sex drive before and during a climax.